martes, agosto 10, 2004

Back to school

After spending a lot of time today, I've choosed (finally) all my subjects, I've decided to pick 7 subjects, I hope to don't fail any of them. At school I'm starting a new Free Software Project for migrating some labs to Debian or FreeBSD, I need to fill a lot of papers and I'll need some help with them (anyone?) tonight I went to see "I, Robot", the movie was good, very good special efects and nice plot, the machines took over the world again but some human heroe stoped them again, you encourage to go the movies to watch it. By the way I've updated the MonoUML's webpage, I hope some good graphic designer join quickly, we need a nice logo and some cool icons for the project. I learned today: 'I'm scared about going back to school, too much work to do, too much.' By the way: 'I'm starting to write some cool tutorials for monohispano, they may be avaliable sooner'