domingo, septiembre 05, 2004

Updating MonoUML

After been (this weekend) working on my Database project, I did $ cvs update -dP && make run for updating the MonoUML's code, the code is working, thanks to Rodolfo for his help, due to I'm too busy for coding, he is developing some new nice features and I'm trying to solve my school's problems. There is a new screenshot sample for MonoUML. I'm thinking to travel for seeing her. I might travel in the next month: October 23th/24th for celebrating the first anniversary. :). I learned today: 'I will travel to see her' By the way: 'I'm a new monohispano's commiter, thanks to Alvaro del Castillo and Fabian Seoane for their help, I will update some tutorials sooner.. I hope so'