sábado, octubre 02, 2004

RE2, Xalapa, MonoHispano, MonoUML

Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse

A deadly virus has been unleashed on the population of Raccoon City.

For those all Resident Evil fans, you must go to the movies, I went yesterday for seeing Resident Evil 2, I liked RE1, but I enjoyed more this one, really nice movie, nice plot, nice special effects, nice actors (I like the Jill character played by Sienna Guillory, really pretty woman, Milla Jovovich is also pretty), if you are a truly RE fan I encourage to see the movie, you won't become disillusioned. I'm not film critic, but you must see it.


Today I went to a LUG meeting at Xalapa City, (here in Veracruz, here in Mexico), nice people, nice camaraderie; Mauricio invited me. We saw the De Icaza's conference at OUC, Miguel talked about mono (as usual) and the new mono features. I talked (few words) about Mono Hispano and MonoUML encouraging people to get involved in free software projects. Something that caught me the eye was that the LUG is heterogeneous, too much to learn. I enjoyed meeting those people.

Mono Hispano

Both Orlando Ramirez and I started to translate a new document, the document is great, objective criticism, I'll commit my advances later.


MonoUML is back! I'm adding some features to the newest sample made by Mario Fuentes (GNOME.cl hacker, I can't deny it), as you can see now there are handlers for resizing the image, but there's a weird bug. Hold on, I hope fixing it tonight.

I learned today: 'Nice weekend, too many emotions! :) 21 days and counting.'